Monday, October 18, 2010

Video 4 - Hiking in Costa Brava

One Saturday we set out in a rental car for the Costa Brava, about an hour's drive north of Barcelona hoping to go sea kayaking. When we got there, the sea was too rough so we went hiking along the cliffs instead. The challenge in this video was to tell a story without narration. Shooting the video was a challenge as well. You can see near the end of the clip how amature I still am. My nerves aren't steady enough for the waves!

1 comment:

  1. Video 4 - hiking
    lots of nice shots. Good variety of wide and tight shots.
    you should have run ahead of your friends and got some shots of them coming at the camera instead of always walking away from it.
    The water shots at 1:30 are nice. I can tell you turned on the wind filter because the audio sounded good. A simple tip for high-wind is to put a sock over your shotgun mic or even the built-in mic to block the wind a bit.
    At 2:05 your horizon is tilted. It is important with video to always have level horizons or else reality is distorted. I know that the ocean isn't tilted like that so why is the video? :)
    You only tilt the horizon when you want to give the viewer the feeling that something is wrong. Like if it was a first-person perspective shot and the person was feeling sick.
    At the end. Just before the big wave crashes it could be cool to have a tight up-close shot of his face or eyes. This would give the feeling that he is looking at something and anticipating something. Then show the wave crash.
    You could just shoot this after the wave crashes and use magic editing to make it work.
