Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Video 3 - Foggy road

This video was shot on the way to the Costa Brava north of Barcelona where we were hoping to go sea kayaking. I should have used the light on my camera at one point here, and I need to figure out how to use the manual focus. But I enjoyed patching together different parts of audio and video.

1 comment:

  1. Video 3 - foggy road

    Your shots in the car are back-lit. To fix this push the little silver button closest to the lens. This enables backlight compensation and then the foreground is properly exposed.
    The shots out the window were surprisingly steady and good.
    A couple extra shots you could have gotten:
    -shoot in the side view or rear view window to give the feeling of the past being left behind
    -hang the camera and your arm out the window and down low by the wheel to get a low angle tire view
    -shoot the dashboard so I can see the speedometer
    -shoot the gas and brake pedals
