Thursday, November 11, 2010

Video 10 - Sangria and Park Guell

I thought this would be a video about Park Guell but it's really a video about my friend Michael and my trip to Park Guell, since we only really saw a fraction of this famous spot. I'm working on another video about the rest of it and its significance. This was shot October 29, 2010. Thanks to Michael Schout for his patience. He's a friend of mine from Holland. Hopefully this will be a fun souvenir of his visit as well.

I got the names of the musicians, but I've forgotten them at home as I post this from studio. I'll have to update later.

1 comment:

  1. Video 10 - Sangria and Park Guell

    GREAT SOUND! good mix of audio-B-roll.
    Good reactions shots.
    Best video yet!
    At the end you have a shot of a woman pointing her camera to the ceiling and taking a picture… she walks in front of the violinist so then she becomes the focus of attention…. you then don't show what she is photographing?

    It's good to always have a reaction to every action. You have been good at this when you show and event or person busking and then you show people watching the busker or clapping. But there are little things here and there that could use reaction shots as well. Always watch for this.
