Sunday, November 28, 2010

Video 15 - Open Data Day

Sorry, I realize this isn't the best video ever, but I'm trying to figure out what kind of videos fit into a reporter's workday. In some contexts, I think interviews would work but it has to a simple topic. The push for open data is far too complex. Plus, although shooting this video only took about 10 minutes, editing it still took me nearly two hours because it was difficult to pick the right quotes and find ways to join them that didn't look awkward. The video has to appeal to a large enough audience to justify the time spent. And I definetely need more experience making this process smooth.

A special thanks, Javier, for being so willing to let me try. Open data really is a cool movement. I totally recommend checking out the website, They give some good examples of what can be done when the government releases more of the data it owns into the public realm. You can trust the creativity of the masses.

1 comment:

  1. One thing this video lacked was simple examples of open data being used in a positive way.
    Perhaps opening the video with "what is open data?" well for example it was used in ___ where they took ___ and created a ____.
    Then go into what the event is... then more examples and information.
    Because it is a technical topic you need to bring it down to the average person's level first so that they understand what it is and THEN explain more.
    For example the stuff that has done.
