Thursday, November 11, 2010

Video 11 - The Pope visits Barcelona

I got up early Sunday morning to catch el Papa in Barcelona. Crowds were smaller than I was expecting, but it was still a lot of fun. And the best part about shooting video in Spain - without editors or deadlines - is that when the last interview subjects invited me out for a breakfast of hot chocolate and churros, I could say yes. Delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Video 11- the pope
    Since I couldn't read the signs I didn't get that people were there in protest until the end. I think you could have shown the shot of the guys kissing at the beginning and someone explaining that they are protesting his stance on homosexuality earlier. That was the "hook" of the video but I didn't realize it until the end.
    Visually good though. In this case it is hard to get a shot of the pop going by AND people kissing, reacting at the same time. You have to make a judgement call there. It was good that you got a still image of people kissing and also I could see other cameras and video cameras there which gave me a sense that is was an issue of interest to a lot of people.
