Monday, November 8, 2010

Video 9 - Fishing in the dark

If I lived in Barcelona, I think I'd have to take up fishing. I've never seen anything so peaceful as this, fishing at night of the empty Barcelona beach. This is Alberto, who was kind enough to let me interrupt him. He gave me the Spanish and the Catalan name for the fish he was catching, mabra or herrera. My Spanish/Catalan (I mix the two up all the time) is pitiful, but it gets the job done. I'm slowly improving.

1 comment:

  1. Video 9 - Fishing in the dark

    Isn't it amazing how well that camera does in low-light?
    Since I don't understand Spanish it was a little boring. You should have moved closer to the waves to get better sound. I feel like this video was a good opportunity to work on your audio.

    Remember when I said that you have a visual side of your brain to entertain and an informational side? When it is super dark like this then you need to put extra effort into the audio. Take my brain there with the sounds of the ocean and let the visual side of my brain imagine what it looks like. Support this with whatever visuals you can.
    Also. In your camera settings you can lower the shutter speed to 1/6th of a second. Normally it should be at 1/60th but in a super low light situation like this you can drop it for effect.
    Go into Tv mode and move the joystick up and down to change the shutter speed.
    Typically if you go lower than 1/30th then video looks blurry because the shutter is so low but if you are shooting a static subject on a tripod then it doesn't matter.
