Thursday, November 4, 2010

Video 8 - El Fossar de les Moreres

The inscription at the Fossar de les Moreres is taken from the first line of a poem by Frederic Soler:

Al fossar de les moreres
no s'hi enterra cap traïdor;
fins perdent nostres banderes
serà l'urna de l'honor.

In English it means, "in this grave of the mulberry trees no traitor will be buried. Because we lost our flags, this urn will be our honour." The mass grave is located in the old medieval city just outside the church Santa Maria del Mar, which was built by the lesser guilds of Barcelona.

The video was shot November 3, 2010. My thanks to David, my language exchange partner, who agreed to let me record his explanation.


  1. Video 8 - El Fossar de les Moreres
    I like how you changed the framing a little bit for each question. It seemed like every time you came back to him he was framed different. This can be terrible if done poorly but you did it will. It kept his "talking head" more interesting because the scene changed a little bit each time.

    Check out Scott Rensberger's videos.

    He is a freelance video journalist for BBC, CBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, etc etc etc etc. He's done it all. He shoots, narrates, edits and files everything by himself remotely. Remember he is a TV guy so his videos are a little different than we will be doing for the newspaper but they are great examples of video.

    The one you should watch is "Gun Man". When he walked into the guys house he said "I'm going to ask you 10 different questions in 10 different locations in your house." Watch how changing the scene for each quote brings in so much more visual information. In a way his A-roll becomes B-roll because each new interview location shows a little more of his house and the visual side of your brain learns more and more and more with each shot.

    Note there isn't any camera movement in this video. It doesn't need movement because the static shots are interesting enough on their own.

    Also watch "Squirt the Dog". Super cute and lots of great shots.

    Scott has a great Moto "A good story is EVERYTHING." If you don't have a great story, then everything you do to help a bad story is equivalent to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

  2. You're right, Ryan. I went back and watched them again. Gun Man is really well done. I like how it's really a video story, the way he does it. So much visual information. That's the challenge of doing video on the job at the Journal now. I'm so used to looking for one type of story - a good newspaper story. It's really challenging to find good video stories worth telling.
