Monday, November 1, 2010

Video 6 - Grace's Flowers

Grace Coulter, a University of Calgary architecture student studying in Barcelona, was looking at the relative success of different physical indications in public squares for an essay project. She decided make her own attempt at changing people's behaviour in a square, in her case with flowers. This video tracks the result. What you can't see, is that her original idea was to try to same technique with eggs! I can only imagine . . .
The video was shot October 18, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Video 6 - Grace's Flowers

    I'm 20-seconds in and I'm happy. You had a good caption for the video that peaked my interest. In the first 20-seconds I started receiving information and there were plenty of quick visuals so both sides of my brain are happy.

    43-seconds: I understand that you probably wanted to stay back as she laid out the flowers but I think it would be better to have close-up shots of her laying out the flowers.
    Also the horizon is tilted again which makes the visual side of my brain think something is wrong.

    56-seconds - the super quite voice is now annoying because the background sound is louder than her voice. Perhaps you weren't using you shotgun mic or maybe you were too far away. She seems soft spoken. It never hurts to ask people to talk a little louder than normal when they speak on video.
    There are some audio filters you can use to isolate someone's voice and make them louder but it is a pain and is always better to get it right the first time.

    1:39- you are getting some reaction shots which is good. I would have shown some reactions a little earlier in the video as she was setting up. Remember you don't always have to show your visuals in linear order.
    When I first started doing videos I would make every clip in linear order because that was how I shot it. Let go of that and know that it is okay to move a clip ahead of another if it makes the story stronger or more visual. You use your own ethical judgement here.

    2:00 - I like the shots of people walking and driving around the flowers. It proves the point of the video.

    It would be nice if you had talked your way up onto someone's balcony so you could get a bird's eye view of the scene.

    4:00 - Ahhh I see you have a mic now! Much better audio at the end. That was good. I'm happy you had a conclusion at the end. You probably could have cut a good minute out of the video as it was a little long but I was still good.

    I also see you've learned how to add text! :)
